

A photo of Dr. Miranda sitting on a gray chair, atop a woven rug she made herself. Dr. Miranda is wearing a coral top and gold jewelry and smiling at the camera.

Born in Lisbon, Portugal, I was raised in Portugal and the United States. Prior to becoming a clinical psychologist, I worked as an international policy analyst, traveling throughout Latin America, Asia, and Europe. I also lived in Brazil for a year, and worked with environmental groups in Venezuela. I am fluent in Spanish and Portuguese. I received my bachelor's degree in Geography from the State University of New York, College at Geneseo, and my master's degree from the San Diego State University.

I obtained my Doctor of Psychology degree from the George Washington University in Washington, DC, where I was trained in psychological assessment and traditional psychodynamic therapy technique. I completed training practica at an inner-city, residential substance abuse treatment facility, and at a private practice providing psychological assessment services for immigrants seeking legal status in the U.S. I subsequently moved to Seattle to complete an internship and post-doctoral fellowship at the Fremont Community Therapy Project in Seattle.

I was the Washington State representative to the American Psychological Association's Council of Representatives, the association's governing body from 2016-2020. During that time, I was elected to be the Early Career Representative to the APA Council Leadership Team. I am also a member of APA Divisions:

  • 56 (Trauma)

  • 35 (Psychology of Women)

  • 44 (Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues)

  • 45 (Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues)

  • 52 (International Psychology)

As of January 2023, I am a Member-at-Large on the Division 56 Executive Committee.

Please consult my curriculum vitae for further information about my background.

An art print made by Dr. Miranda. More info about the print is in the gallery on this page.